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Statice / Childhood Cancer

Statice Health Kurdistan Allies with Kurdistan Save the Children to Bring Joy and Support to Children Battling Cancer

Statice Health KRD collaborates with Save the Children at Hiwa Hospital.

Statice Health Kurdistan

Updated September 17, 2023


In a heartwarming display of community and compassion, Statice Health KRD recently collaborated with Kurdistan Save the Children to organize a special event at Hiwa Hospital. This joint activity was designed to provide comprehensive support for children fighting cancer, aiming to uplift their spirits not just medically but emotionally as well. The event featured a range of thoughtful initiatives, from the distribution of gifts to the infusion of music and the enhancement of playroom facilities.

The partnership between Statice Health KRD and Kurdistan Save the Children represents a significant step toward alleviating the struggles faced by young cancer patients. It underscores the organizations' shared commitment to making a difference in the lives of these brave children and their families.

Impactful Support

One of the primary objectives of this collaborative effort was to offer emotional support to the young patients at Hiwa Hospital. Battling cancer can be an emotionally taxing journey for children, and the event sought to infuse positivity into their lives. Music, known for its therapeutic properties, was incorporated into the day's activities, bringing smiles to the faces of the children.

Gifts to Brighten Their Day

As part of the event, Statice Health KRD and Kurdistan Save the Children prepared various gifts for the children. These thoughtful presents not only brought immediate joy but also served as a symbol of the community's unwavering support. Each gift was carefully chosen to cater to the interests and preferences of the young recipients, adding a personal touch to the event.

Enhancing the Playroom Center

Recognizing the importance of play and recreation in a child's life, the organizations also provided several supplies to upgrade the playroom center at Hiwa Hospital. This move ensures that children undergoing treatment have a space to escape the daily challenges of their medical journey, engage in creative activities, and bond with their peers.

A Heartfelt Conclusion

The joint activity organized by Statice Health KRD and Kurdistan Save the Children at Hiwa Hospital is a poignant reminder of the transformative power of compassion and collaboration. This initiative supports not just physical health but also the emotional resilience of children battling cancer by attending to their entire needs. It is a brilliant illustration of how associations and communities may work together to significantly improve the lives of individuals in our community.

In consequence, the accomplishment of this event depends on the hearts and hands of multitudes of individuals who committed their time, finances, and efforts to provide these young cancer patients a moment of joy and hope. When we work together, there is great potential for positive change, especially in assisting the most vulnerable members of our society, as we commemorate this incredible collaboration. Statice Health Kurdistan always looks forward to providing opportunities for young enthusiasts and bringing out their best performances, along with planning further actions to make our community a better place.

Huge thanks to ABBOTT Nutritions for sponsoring this impactful activity. ABBOTT played a pivotal role in generously allocating numerous supplies for this significant event and astonishingly amplified the positive impact of our collaborative efforts.